Another month has come and gone here in Raleigh. Happy November 30th! It is hard for me to believe that one-third of our program is done. I am in a season where I want time to slow down. I have found myself hoping for longer mornings, more time in the adventurous, still and everything in between with other fellows and in sweet conversation with the people I work with. Going to Richmond (home sweet home) over Thanksgiving, I was longing for more hours with family and familiar friends and coming back to Raleigh I couldn’t wait for more time to spend with my host family. I am yearning for more time in the simple moments of everyday. In reflecting on this, I realize how special this is. It is not all the time that I am wanting to stay in so many moments for as long as I can. The Lord is revealing me so many sweet blessings during this time of life in the fellows program. This is not to say that every day is easy, but God is showing me small snapshots of beauty that I want to cling to. Beautiful moments like running through the rain and enjoying my first ever Carolina basketball game with Emily and her parents (I am now a certified fan [see title of post] TAR!!) and the authentic friend that she is. Working with Rachel and knowing she will pop into my office almost every Tuesday - Thursday promptly at 9AM to chat; a beautiful consistency. Having Philip as my roundtable cooking partner and getting to see more of his incredibly patient and kind soul. Always knowing Daylon will be my hype man in an instant, but also someone to be real with. Getting time with Sarah who can get to the bottom of your heart in a five-minute conversation and how the Lord is beautifully using her in our fellows group. Looking across the room at Jun during a funny moment and knowing that he will be giggling right along with you. Laura feeling like a person of refuge and home, whether that be because we actually frequent her host home’s porch a lot (thank you sweet Dotson family, we love you) or because that is just who the Lord beautifully made her to be. Sitting next to Josiah at roundtable dinner and hearing his hilarious side comments but also intentional questions about how people are. Giggling with Alex about memes and moments and knowing he is always down to bool (is that how you spell that?) (it means “hang” if anyone did not know). Being around the joyful, peaceful presence that is Amy and knowing that I can always count on her for anything—whether it be meaningful conversation at LBC or dance breaks with our 6th grade girls in youth group.

I am thankful for all these beautiful moments and more, especially with the 10 people I get to walk alongside this year with. I am thankful to be given moments that I am always longing for more of (can’t time slow down?). But I know this feeling of longing for more time in sweet moments won’t go away. We may always have this sense on Earth. God gives us little glimpses of glory each day. This glory that will one day be shown in full when we reach his kingdom. I am grateful for the promise of that kingdom and that it is beginning here on Earth with little peeks into it each day.

xox Lauren

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